I was supposed to sign my contracts for Rather-Large-Bank and return them last week. I've still yet to do it. I filled in all the forms yesterday and got Boy Who Stole My Shoes to witness my signatures. Seemed only fair as we will be "colleagues" next year, albeit in different cities.
I made a giant mess of the tax form. It is now full of liquid paper marks. They will definitely shake their heads in dismay and send forms for me to redo.
I am at a crossroads, somewhat. The move is going to cost a lot, and no where in the contracts did it mention the magical words, "relocation reimbursement". I was under the impression that they will pay for some of the moving costs, at least the plane ticket down. But I am also chicken shit. Asking them for money makes me feel like a bogan standing in queue at Centrelink. I don't even ask Stinkylink for money when I'm entitled to it, so asking money from future employer is even more of an obstacle for me.
To ask or to not ask? Asking makes me feel cheap. Not asking makes me feel cheated.
Fuck it. Made up my mind. Will ask. What are they going to do? Fire me for asking? Before I've even returned the contracts? If it comes to that, Ray Martin will have something to say about such injustices against an honest little battler.
I made a giant mess of the tax form. It is now full of liquid paper marks. They will definitely shake their heads in dismay and send forms for me to redo.
I am at a crossroads, somewhat. The move is going to cost a lot, and no where in the contracts did it mention the magical words, "relocation reimbursement". I was under the impression that they will pay for some of the moving costs, at least the plane ticket down. But I am also chicken shit. Asking them for money makes me feel like a bogan standing in queue at Centrelink. I don't even ask Stinkylink for money when I'm entitled to it, so asking money from future employer is even more of an obstacle for me.
To ask or to not ask? Asking makes me feel cheap. Not asking makes me feel cheated.
Fuck it. Made up my mind. Will ask. What are they going to do? Fire me for asking? Before I've even returned the contracts? If it comes to that, Ray Martin will have something to say about such injustices against an honest little battler.
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